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Step by step action plan to achieve goals

Every new year, we take new resolutions. But addressing new things is often difficult: take a new habit, start a new project ... This can even be a little terrifying. Maybe you do not know where to start, or you are simply afraid of failure. But the only way you have to do something is to roll up your sleeves and go for it. I'll explain you how to fight these fears and finally achieve your goals.
We all have outstanding projects and the lack of motivation is one of the main reasons why we do not end up completing them. Maybe it is a book that you always wanted to write. Or maybe that new job you need to look but you still had a good excuse to not to do it, or the abundance of artistic talent you waste it by sitting in front of the TV watching the latest episode of your favourite serial. All these things are often exhausting just thinking about it and it is very easy to put it aside in order to stay in the routine. But in reality, when we decide to do something, we all go through the same steps:

I do not know how to do it

I do not have the means to pay someone to do

I have to do it

Hey, it was not so hard!

Getting around the bottoms and do what we have to do is not easy and never will be, but it's not as hard as we think. If you have the right approach and the right attitude, you will be more likely to succeed. In fact, moving the bums is very easy and only requires a few steps:

Define your goals: You do not even have to do anything. Ask yourself and just think about what you want to do or what you want to achieve.
Perform search about your goal, the more research you do, the higher chances are that the task you have to accomplish will be easy. After all, you can do anything, if all it requires is to follow instructions.

Set yourself deadlines and stick to them: to set limits in time is easy. Just select a date. Sticking is harder, but you can imagine a reward system in order to stay on track.
Give yourself time to work: spend at least 15 minutes a day to your project. It's not so hard, don’t you think so? It’s just 15 minutes from your 24 hours!
Put yourself in the task seriously, all you have to do is to get started. If you take pleasure in what you do, you will continue.


If you have trouble concentrating on your objectives, establishing a hierarchy of your goals can be useful. Do not be overflowing, do not work on many objectives at the same time, you're more likely to accomplish your goals if you focus on one at a time. So choose your goal which you want to accomplish for so long, and think about it. This process, called "period of reflection"  and is very important. Do not rush, think carefully. Give time to it.

Research conducted by recognized psychologists tend to prove that we have two complementary motivational systems: the system of "thinking" and the system "Action". And we are usually able to use one at a time. Either we are motivated to think about the goal or we are motivated to perform actions to achieve the goal.

This is where the guide comes in. When you think about what you want to do, write a guide that will describe your goals. A personal guide may seem exaggerated or overrated, but it's actually a great way to consolidate your motivation and your goals, while you gather enough strength to put yourself to work. The sole purpose is to formalize your decisions and materialize them to make them more concrete, and at the same time motivate you to act.

A good method is to select a goal, find the decisions and resulting actions, and use affirmative language in your guide:I do not use phrases like "I want to be more confident and more active," but rather a stronger twist, "I will be more confident and be more active." The difference is minor, but if you use active language, you take things more seriously. You can even go further and use this: "I am more  sure of myself and am more active."

Your personal guide should focus on your goal - the thing you would do if you knew immediately how to do. Do not seek to know "how" right away, you just concentrate on the "what" and "why". Do not worry about the length or grammar. It is not a public document. It is for you to find what motivates you, pushes you to move your ass and put you there.
When you set your goal, start small, and do nothing as long as you do not know exactly where you are going. Once you have set a clear goal, it's time to think about what you need to achieve it.


A project or goal without research is the best way to rush right into the wall. But it is also very important not to lose too much time either on research and end up demotivating. Find what you need to start and also start early.
Of course, what you'll need depends on your goal. You can find most of the necessary information in books or on the internet. Do not hesitate to ask for help from other people, whether true or on the internet via forums.


Time limits and goals are the best ways to stay on track to success, regardless of the goal. When you say "I'll finish it before D-Day", this does not only gives you a time constraint, this gives you a more concrete dimension, more specific to your efforts.
If you have problems meeting your goals on time (it is understandable to have some difficulty in meeting a deadline that one has set oneself), you can try other things. For example, a very good way to finish on time is to talk to your friends or your family. Publicizing your goal and your deadline will add positive pressure. Tell your friends and relatives about it. You can also work with a reward system, for example, if you meet your goal by the deadline, you allow a little madness, or partying, or go to a restaurant, etc ...
You must find a way to utilize all the time properly so that you meet your deadlines. It is very easy to be convinced to postpone a date, but make a real effort not to do it, and stay with the original plan.


Give some time to your project or goal every day, no matter how long you spend there. The key is not to "break" your working routine. Consistency is very important. If necessary, make a calendar on which you will make a cross every day you work on your project, this will keep you motivated.
The most common and easiest way to abandon a project before even having started is to say "I do not have time" to devote to it. But actually you do not need as much time as you think. Whatever the project is, 15 minutes a day should be enough to start with!
Ask to yourself, that are you so busy that you cannot devote 15 minutes a day to your goal? I think anyone can take 15 minutes of his time each day. But what we must see is that after a month there are lot of hours you have spent working.

Of course, 15 minutes is not long. If you have the opportunity to spend more time, do it. A solution to take out some time is to plan your daily schedule in a way that forces you to take out 15 minutes to work on your goal. Depending upon the goal, remember for a  human body there are times in the day called "optimal" for the job, and it's better to focus on your goal in these periods . For example, if it is to learn new vocational qualifications, usually you will be better in the morning or at least a little after waking up, if you are not doing it in the morning.

The key is to get started. You have to roll up your sleeves and get started. Give yourself 10 or 15 minutes every day to pursue your goals or your projects, and put yourself to the task no matter what. Even if you stop after 15 minutes you can say that you have at least done something productive today. But usually, once you start, you spend more time. In all cases, you will be surprised after some time of how your daily work you will have made progress, gradually, as and when, a big step towards achieving your goal. And before you even know it, you will have accomplished something really worthwhile.

The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing – Walt Disney

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